Stay in an Award-Winning Treehouse or Cabin
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Award Winning
Our stays
Escape to award winning treehouses and retreats with hot tubs and luxurious baths in Devon.
Slip into another world, where exquisite detail meets natural coast and countryside beauty.
Slip into another world, where exquisite detail meets natural coast and countryside beauty.
Perfect for...
These dog friendly retreats are perfect for romantic couple's getaways or one of a kind family staycations.
Described by The Times as "tailor-made for parents seeking romance".
Described by The Times as "tailor-made for parents seeking romance".
Hideout Treehouse
Step into your new favourite retreat, the only treehouse in the UK with a moving bath.
Cosy Cowshed
A bespoke converted cowshed with hot tub, perfect for a countryside or coastal escaspe.
Made just for you

Awards/As Seen In/Featured In
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See what our guests think
We had a really relaxing weekend and plenty of fun even though the weather wasn't great. The weather really didn't matter. The Cosy Cowshed was a perfect place to return to having visited dramatic autumnal seas and beaches. A warm welcome greets you in a spotless, stylish, well designed and well resourced home from home.
Bryony Landsbert
The outdoor tub was so inviting at the end of a long day. It was hard to decide where we wanted to wind down - there or the huge deep sofa in front of the wood burner! It's clear the owners have really thought about the finishing touches.
Ellen - Hideout Treehouse
Wow! An incredible, luxurious stay. We couldn't have asked for anything more, nothing was missed & everything was immaculate. Thank you!!!!
Lauren - Hideout Treehouse
We had the most wonderful stay at The Nest. They were the perfect hosts - the treehouse is beautiful, it almost gives you a warm hug when you step through the door, and you feel instantly relaxed.
Natalie - Nest Treehouse
Beautiful surroundings, a fabulous cosy accommodation where every possible detail has been considered, this accommodation has it all. The hosts are very welcoming, the Cosy Cowshed was immaculate, spacious and very comfortable, hot tub wonderful!
Alan - Cosy Cowshed
Fabulous!! It was the most luxurious escape. Every single aspect of the accommodation was the highest of quality. So much care and thought into the aesthetics for maximum comfort and luxury. We left feeling completely relaxed and in wonderful harmony!
Abi - Hideout Treehouse
We had the most wonderful stay to bring in the new year. Everything is so well thought out and we couldn't have wanted anything more! Thanks so much, we will defo return!
Jonathan - Nest Treehouse
WOW! WOW! WOW! What an amazing stay in this boutique treehouse. Everything was perfect right from the start. The attention to detail was outstanding! The owner was a super host. Welcoming, warm and friendly. It was so tranquil and cosy...
Alex - Hideout Treehouse
Lovely place made even more special with the additional touches, bubbles, cake and banners for our celebration weekend! Wouldn't change a thing, 10/10 for us! We will be back.
Gemma - Cost Cowshed
ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! We stay in a lot of these types of places and the Nest Treehouse is the best I’ve ever stayed in! Every single last detail has been thoroughly thought out. The level of finish is impeccable.
Laura - Nest Treehouse
Thank you for the best birthday surprise for my Husband - he knew nothing! We had THE BEST stay, everything is Perfect!
Sophie and Matt - Nest Treehouse
What a stunning place to stay, the photos actually don't do the treehouse justice. So luxurious and the owners went out of their way to spoil us. A real gem of a find in a gorgeous setting. Easy walking distance to the village pubs and restaurants.
Ferne - Hideout Treehouse
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